Sr. No.
18 April
Hawan (Opening of new session)
23 April
Jumbled words (1st)
30 April
Balloons game, pick and run, explode the balloons (L.K.G. &U.K.G.)
Dictation (1st to 4th )
7 May
Hawan & Pairing work (1st )
Quiz competition (Class V & VI)
21 May
Come and go, sit and stand, sharing things(L.K.G. &U.K.G.) Make a toy hut with cardboard or clay and its roof
With broomsticks. (2nd to 4th ),Identification of
Fruits &vegetables pictures (1st )
English Calligraphy (V to XII)
28 May
Essay writing Competition VII & VIII
Hindi Poem Recitation(L.K.G. to 4th )
1 June
D A V Foundation Day Celebration
4 June
Hawan and Poster making(2nd to 4)
Pick the odd one (1st )
Environment Day- Debate ( IX to XII)
18 June
Clay Modeling- prepare different object with colored clay (L.K.G. &U.K.G.)
English poem Recitation(L.K.G. to 4th )
6 August
Hawan & Flag Making
17 August
Rakhi Making and Clay Modeling (2nd to 4th )
Sense organs- touching, tasting (1st )
20 August
Watering &caring of plants (1st )
Plants and trees , paper tearing , paste work (L.K.G. & U.K.G.)
Hindi Calligraphy(2nd to 4th )
Quiz on voices & babies of animals(I)
3 September
Hawan& creative works using rubber bands, pencil sharps &matchsticks (1st )
Hindi Calligraphy ( V to XII)
5 September
Teacher’s Day Celebration
14 Sept.
Hindi Declamation (III to XII )
17 Sept.
Thumb painting , solo dance, group dance (L.K.G. & U.K.G.)
Fancy dress competition (L.K.G. to 1st )
Origami (1st )
Fancy Dress Competition(2nd to 4th )
1 October
Hawan & Cleanliness Day Observation and show emotions by drawing-anger,sad,happy(1st)
7 October
English Declamation (IX to XII)
8 October
Visit to Post Office(2nd to 4th )
15 October
Chair race , lemon race , frog race (L.K.G. &U.K.G.) Clay Modeling (1st )
English Calligraphy(2nd to 4th )
18 October
Mahanadi Competition (VIII to XII)
22 October
Five lines on your favourite toy
Story Telling (Hindi) (2nd to 4th )
27 October
Rangoli Competition (VI to XII)
5 November
Hawan & Nature walk (1st )
Story Telling (English) (2nd to 4th )
Children Day Celebration
“Greeting Card Making’’ on New Year2nd to 4th Blind fold-touch &identify the objects 1st
Quiz Competition(VII to VIII)
Fruit day , salad day , veg. day (L.K.G. & U.K.G.)
Extempore on given topic (IX to XII) Story telling (1st )
3 December
Hawan & Oral composition on given topic 1st
17 December
Hindi Calligraphy (L.K.G. to 1st )
24 December
Cut and Paste , light and dark , give and take (L.K.G. &U.K.G.) “Best out of waste” (II to IV) &Problem solving &decision making &give answers on the given situations (1st )
6 January
Greeting Card competition (VI to IX)
7 January
21 January
Biscuit day , mother day , father day (L.K.G. & U.K.G.)
Quiz on Subject syllabi(II to IV) &English Calligraphy (L.K.G. to 1st )
28 January17
“Thumb Painting-Spring Season” (2nd to 4th ) & Wool Ball (1st )
04 Feb.17
Sweet dish day , leaves day , blow painting (L.K.G. &U.K.G.) Hawan & “Painting on Computer(2nd to 4th )” &Hand painting (1st )
11 Feb.17
Drawing Competition (L.K.G. to 1st )